Friday 28 May 2010

Well that's me trained in Reiki now, at level 1 anyway. It's very relaxing and I am looking for volunteers to practice on for the price of a cup of tea!!!! Enjoying the daily meditations and as I now have high blood pressure it can only help to relax me a bit. Needing an operation and have an appointment with Bupa next week (at least the work is good for something) so fingers crossed although I am sure he will insist on some weight loss first.
Been on 2 weeks leave from work (going back on Monday - boo-hoo) and read a wonderful book called The Other Hand by Chris Cleave. All I will say is that I think everyone should read it before criticising illegal immigration and asylum seekers. It is a very humbling and emotional story.
Off to have some late dinner and watch mindless soaps etc. before bed. I really know how to party on a Friday night eh!!